You are very welcome to be a part of our alumni database at University of Gothenburg! If you have studied courses or programmes at the University of Gothenburg, please feel free to register in the alumni database, even if you have not yet applied for a degree yet.
The alumni network is meant to maintain the contact between former students and the University with the aim to find new forms of collaboration and added value.
As you hopefully have experienced, we actively try to bring in knowledge from professionals in the education, especially as guest lecturers. The collaboration can also be about supervision of bachelor's or master's thesis. We would really appreciate if you in the future would like to come and tell students about the experiences you have gained in your professional life.
All the things mentioned above are opportunities for you and your employer to make contacts. We hope you would like to be part of the alumni network in IT at the University of Gothenburg!

When you join the alumni network you can for example:
- Be a guest lecturer at the University, serve as a mentor and inspire students in their career choices.
- Utilize our job posting portal to offer internships, thesis projects, research collaborations or recruit students and alumni.
- Get a 20% discount on an annual gym and group training membership and enjoy a free trial week at Fysiken in Gothenburg. Valid at: Gibraltargatan or Fysiken Kaserntorget.
Email your name and personal identification number to to receive a certificate to present at the Fysiken reception.
Feel free to join the University LinkedIn group.