University of Gothenburg

Person-centred Patient-Public-Private Partnership (PCP4): Test beds for person-centred care

PCP4 is a collaboration platform for person-centred partnership. Within the platform, research, education and implementation will be organised and institutionalised in collaboration between universities, patients, healthcare decision-makers, staff and the business community.

Our vision for the health care of the future

The rapidly rising costs of health care threaten the quality of care. Our vision is a person-centred health care with good quality and cost control. Person-centred care is a scientifically proven way of working that can reduce costs, while improving the quality of care. The transition to person-centred care requires organisational and cultural changes and support for specific tools such as e / m-health, changed incentive systems and new compensation systems. Therefore, an interdisciplinary and interprofessional plan for research and development is needed, where also patients and representatives of the health care and industry feel that they own the process and thus invest and accept responsibility for implementation.

Collaboration platform for a person-centred partnership

To achieve this, we have formed a collaboration platform for a person-centred partnership. Within the platform, research, education and implementation will be organised and institutionalised in collaboration between universities, patients, healthcare decision-makers, health care staff and the business community. The partners of the platform jointly define issues that are addressed and projects that are implemented.

A system change is required

In PCP4 we intend to use the measures identified in the analysis from the WE-Care program. The conclusions from the WE-Care program are that a system change towards a more person-centred and health-promoting system is possible, but it requires changes in several areas which then at the same time become "enabler". The following areas were identified:

• Use of technology to support person-centred care

• Development of a compensation system for person-centred care

• Develop incentives to implement person-centred care

• Develop measurement methods for quality improvements as a result of person-centred care

• Develop models to establish robust agreements between payers and healthcare providers to ensure person-centred care

Large-scale testing

These changes should be tested in a limited geographical region ("Test Bed") where several simultaneous changes are made followed by a comparison of quality and cost for a control region.

Full effect and utilisation of innovations / improvements at the micro level, i.e. “close to the patient”, will not be realised if they are not linked to changes at the macro level (policy, control system).

PCP4 stakeholders and partners

In 2018 the representatives from various organisations who agreed to work together with the ambition to develop PCP4 were:

Regions, county councils and municipalities

o Västra Götaland region

o Region Dalarna

o Region Blekinge

o The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)

Patient organisations, which represent patients and relatives

o The Swedish Disability Rights federation

o The Swedish Kidney Association

o The Swedish Heart and Lung Association


o Essity

o Doberman

Academia and research


o University of Gothenburg

o Blekinge Institute of Technology

o Dalarna University


More home dialysis for better health, quality of life and cost control

This is a project which has been developed through PCP4. Through person-centered care, cross-border collaboration, and health innovations, we aim to provide individuals with kidney failure, their relatives, organizations, and policymakers with the prerequisites, knowledge, and tools to increase the number of patients receiving dialysis at home.

Read more on the project web page.