Image of people in a workshop
Image of people in a workshop

Academic Language and Writing

The Unit for Academic Language (ASK) works to strengthen the development of academic language and writing through pedagogical interventions and collaborations. ASK also takes an active role in national and international networks, conferences and exchange projects.

The Unit for Academic Language welcomes collaborations with other universities and interested organisations about issues related to academic language and writing.

 The Unit for Academic Language at the University of Gothenburg works to

• strengthen and develop awareness of academic language and writing;

• develop pedagogically adapted digital resources;

• offer guidance in academic language and writing;

• arrange seminars, workshops and courses;

• monitor issues of language and writing in academic contexts;

• contribute to internationalisation and inclusion.

Collaboration Examples

Language and writing development in Swedish higher education

Workshops for university staff in language and writing centres. These workshops take place during 2020-2021 in collaboration with Södertörn University, the University of Stockholm, and Uppsala University.

Exchange with Queen Mary University of London

An exchange that inspired the development of reading and writing retreats which are now an intrinsic part of the Unit for Academic Language (ASK).

The Writing Center Exchange Project (WCEP)

A research exchange and collaboration between three European universities focusing on the organisational aspects of writing centres.